Eine Capability ist eine Definition für eine entfernte Software. Es hilft WebdriverIO zu verstehen, in welchem Browser oder in welcher mobilen Umgebung Sie Ihre Tests ausführen möchten. Capabilities sind weniger wichtig, wenn Sie Tests lokal entwickeln, da Sie sie die meiste Zeit auf einer Remote-Schnittstelle ausführen, werden aber wichtiger, wenn Sie eine große Anzahl von Integrationstests in CI/CD ausführen.
Das Format eines Capability-Objekts ist durch die WebDriver-Spezifikationgenau definiert. Der WebdriverIO-Testrunner schlägt vorzeitig fehl, wenn benutzerdefinierte Funktionen diese Spezifikation nicht einhalten.
Benutzerdefinierte Capabilities
While the amount of fixed defined capabilities is very low, everyone can provide and accept custom capabilities that are specific to the automation driver or remote interface:
Browserspezifische Capability-Erweiterungen
: Chromedriver Erweiterungen, nur zum Testen in Chrome anwendbarmoz:firefoxOptions
: Geckodriver Erweiterungen, nur anwendbar zum Testen in Firefoxms:edgeOptions
: EdgeOptions zum Angeben der Umgebung bei Verwendung von EdgeDriver zum Testen von Chromium Edge
Capability Erweiterungen von Cloud-Anbietern
: Sauce Labsbstack:options
: BrowserStacktb:options
: TestingBot- und viel, viel mehr!
Erweiterungen der Automation Engine-Capabilities
WebdriverIO Capabilities to manage browser driver options
WebdriverIO manages installing and running browser driver for you. WebdriverIO uses a custom capability that allows you to pass in parameters to the driver.
Common Driver Options
While all driver offer different parameters for configuration, there are some common ones that WebdriverIO understand and uses for setting up your driver or browser:
The path to the root of the cache directory. This directory is used to store all drivers that are downloaded when attempting to start a session.
Type: string
Default: process.env.WEBDRIVER_CACHE_DIR || os.tmpdir()
Path to a custom driver binary. If set WebdriverIO won't attempt to download a driver but will use the one provided by this path. Make sure the driver is compatible with the browser you are using.
Type: string
Browser Specific Driver Options
In order to propagate options to the driver you can use the following custom capabilities:
- Chrome:
- Firefox:
- Microsoft Egde:
- Safari:
- wdio:chromedriverOptions
- wdio:geckodriverOptions
- wdio:edgedriverOptions
- wdio:safaridriverOptions
The port on which the ADB driver should run.
Example: 9515
Type: number
Base URL path prefix for commands, e.g. wd/url
Example: /
Type: string
Write server log to file instead of stderr, increases log level to INFO
Type: string
Set log level. Possible options ALL
Type: string
Log verbosely (equivalent to --log-level=ALL
Type: boolean
Log nothing (equivalent to --log-level=OFF
Type: boolean
Append log file instead of rewriting.
Type: boolean
Log verbosely and don't truncate long strings so that the log can be replayed (experimental).
Type: boolean
Add readable timestamps to log.
Type: boolean
Show logs from the browser (overrides other logging options).
Type: boolean
Custom bidi mapper path.
Type: string
Comma-separated allowlist of remote IP addresses which are allowed to connect to EdgeDriver.
Type: string[]
Default: ['']
Comma-separated allowlist of request origins which are allowed to connect to EdgeDriver. Using *
to allow any host origin is dangerous!
Type: string[]
Default: ['*']
See all Geckodriver options in the official driver package.
See all Edgedriver options in the official driver package.
See all Safaridriver options in the official driver package.
Spezielle Capabilities für spezielle Anwendungsfälle
Dies ist eine Liste von Beispielen, die zeigen, welche Fähigkeiten angewendet werden müssen, um einen bestimmten Anwendungsfall zu erreichen.
Führen Sie den Browser Headless aus
Das Ausführen eines Headless-Browsers bedeutet, eine Browserinstanz ohne Fenster oder Benutzeroberfläche auszuführen. Dies wird hauptsächlich in CI/CD-Umgebungen verwendet, in denen kein Display verwendet wird. Wenden Sie die folgenden Funktionen an, um einen Browser im Headless-Modus auszuführen:
- Chrome
- Firefox
- Microsoft Edge
- Safari
browserName: 'chrome', // or 'chromium'
'goog:chromeOptions': {
args: ['headless', 'disable-gpu']
browserName: 'firefox',
'moz:firefoxOptions': {
args: ['-headless']
browserName: 'msedge',
'ms:edgeOptions': {
args: ['--headless']
It seems that Safari doesn't support running in headless mode.
Automate Different Browser Channels
If you like to test a browser version that is not yet released as stable, e.g. Chrome Canary, you can do so by setting capabilities and pointing to the browser you like to start, e.g.:
- Chrome
- Firefox
- Microsoft Edge
- Safari
When testing on Chrome, WebdriverIO will automatically download the desired browser version and driver for you based on the defined browserVersion
, e.g.:
browserName: 'chrome', // or 'chromium'
browserVersion: '116' // or '116.0.5845.96', 'stable', 'dev', 'canary', 'beta' or 'latest' (same as 'canary')
When testing on Firefox, you can let WebdriverIO setup Firefox Nightly for you by providing latest
as browserVersion
browserName: 'firefox',
browserVersion: 'latest'
If you like to test a manually downloaded version you can provide a binary path to the browser via:
browserName: 'firefox',
'moz:firefoxOptions': {
bin: '/Applications/Firefox\'
When testing on Microsoft Edge, make sure you have the desired browser version installed on your machine. You can point WebdriverIO to the browser to execute via:
browserName: 'msedge',
'ms:edgeOptions': {
bin: '/Applications/Microsoft\ Edge\\ Edge\ Canary'
When testing on Safari, make sure you have the Safari Technology Preview installed on your machine. You can point WebdriverIO to that version via:
browserName: 'safari technology preview'