You like WebdriverIO and want to help making it better? Awesome! We are working to make this process as easy and transparent as possible. We might be not quite there yet but this guide will help you to ramp you up as a contributor and give you everything you need to make your first contribution. If there is any information missing that prevents you from sending in a pull request, please let us know. We treat these kind of issues like actual bugs.
Code of Conduct
Everyone who participates in this project, either as a user or a contributor, is obliged to follow the projects Code of Conduct. Every violation against it will be reviewed and investigated and will result in a response that is deemed necessary and appropriate to the circumstances. The project team is obligated to maintain confidentiality with regard to the reporter of an incident. Further details of specific enforcement policies may be posted separately.
Find A Way To Contribute
The project offers a variety of ways to contribute. If you struggle to find something suited for you, join the WebdriverIO support channel on Matrix and reach out to the maintainer there. Don't be shy, they are there to help!
You can participate by:
- contributing code
- improving documentation
- help us translate the project to more languages
- answer questions and provide help in the Discord support channel
- create educational content (blog posts, tutorials, videos, etc.)
- spread the good word about the project (e.g. via Twitter)
- create bugs if you discover them while using WebdriverIO
- make feature requests if you are missing something in the project
- if you'd like to support us monetarily, consider donating to the project
The maintainers of the project try to organize all issues in the way that should allow anyone to have enough context to start working on it. If this is not the case please mention it in the issue thread so that either the issue creator or a maintainer can provide more information.
If you want to contribute code, a general good first way to find a task to work on is to look into all tickets with the label help wanted
and/or good first pick
. All these tickets are up for grab if they haven't a user assigned to them. If you find something that interests you, ensure to let us know in the issue thread that you have the intend to work on it.
Often issues require some amount of context to the problem which makes it difficult to get an idea about what needs to be done. Depending on your experience using / working with the project this context can be missing. Often it helps to start with tasks around missing documentation or just increase test coverage of some parts in the code. After some time you will get more familiar with the codebase which allows you to pick up more difficult tasks.
If you can't find something that suits you, look into the project roadmap to see if there is something interesting for you. At the end you can also always reach out to the maintainers in the Discord support channel. They are responsible to find a task for you.
Reporting New Issues
When opening a new issue, always make sure to fill out the issue template. This step is very important! Not doing so may result in your issue not managed in a timely fashion. Don't take this personally if this happens, and feel free to open a new issue once you've gathered all the information required by the template.
- One issue, one bug: Please report a single bug per issue.
- Provide reproduction steps: List all the steps necessary to reproduce the issue. The person reading your bug report should be able to follow these steps to reproduce your issue with minimal effort.