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WebdriverIO v8 Released

· 10 मिनट पढ़ें

While it took a bit longer than expected the WebdriverIO team is excited to announce that we finally released v8 today! 🎉 🎉 🎉

As with almost all of the last major updates we again had to touch every single file of the project. This time our major goal for the new version was to finally transition from CommonJS to ESM which enables us to continue with important dependency updates and avoid security issues. Furthermore, we cleaned up some technical debt, e.g. removed all code related to synchronous command execution which was deprecated last year, as well as implemented a new Action API interface and streamlined the way WebdriverIO deals with global objects using the test runner.

Keep Your Apps Accessible and Your e2e Tests Stable With WebdriverIOs New Accessibility Selector

· 3 मिनट पढ़ें

Fetching elements within e2e tests can sometimes be very hard. Complex CSS paths or arbitrary test ids make them either less readable or prone to failures. The disappointment we experience when our test fail is by far not comparable to a the bad experience people have when they need to use assistent devices like screen readers on applications build without accessibility in mind.

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