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The WebdriverIO getContexts method is an improved version of the default Appium contexts (and the previous WebdriverIO getContexts) command. It provides detailed and actionable information about available contexts in a mobile app session, addressing the limitations of the default Appium methods.

How Webviews Work and Why This Method Helps

For more details, refer to the Hybrid Apps documentation. Below is a summary of the challenges addressed by the getContexts command:

Android Challenges

  • A single webview (e.g., WEBVIEW_{packageName}) may contain multiple pages (similar to browser tabs).
  • The default Appium methods do not include details about these pages, such as their title, url, or visibility, making it hard to identify the correct page and leading to potential flakiness.

iOS Challenges

  • The default Appium method only returns generic webview IDs (e.g., WEBVIEW_{id}) without any additional metadata.
  • This makes it difficult to determine which webview corresponds to the target app screen.

The enhanced getContexts method solves these issues by returning detailed context objects, which include:

  • For Android: title, url, packageName, webviewPageId, and layout details (screenX, screenY, width, and height).
  • For iOS: bundleId, title, and url.

These enhancements make debugging and interacting with hybrid apps more reliable.

Why Use This Method?

By default, the Appium contexts method returns only an array of strings representing available contexts:

  • For Android: ['NATIVE_APP', 'WEBVIEW_com.wdiodemoapp', ...]
  • For iOS: ['NATIVE_APP', 'WEBVIEW_84392.1', ...]

While sufficient for simple scenarios, these default responses lack critical metadata for hybrid app testing:

  • For Android: The lack of page-specific metadata makes it challenging to interact with the correct webview.
  • For iOS: Generic webview IDs provide no insight into the content or app screen they represent.

The enhanced getContexts method provides:

  • Detailed metadata for both Android and iOS.
  • Options to filter and customize the returned contexts for better targeting and interaction.
Notes and Limitations
  • The enhanced getContexts method works on both Android and iOS platforms. However, the returned data may vary depending on the platform and app under test.
  • If you do not specify the returnDetailedContexts option, the method behaves like the default Appium contexts method, returning a simple context array.
  • To use the "default" Appium contexts method, use driver.getAppiumContexts(). For more information, see the Appium Contexts documentation.

Android Webviews:

  • Metadata such as androidWebviewData is available only when returnAndroidDescriptionData is true.
  • Using the getContexts method on a Chrome browser may occasionally return incomplete data due to mismatched browser/Webview/ChromeDriver versions. In such cases, default values or an incorrect webviewPageId (e.g., 0) may be returned.
GetContextsOptionsThe getContexts options (optional)
booleanBy default, we only return the context names based on the default Appium contexts API. If you want to get all data, you can set this to true. Default is false (optional).
numberThe time in milliseconds to wait between each retry to connect to the webview. Default is 500 ms (optional).
numberThe maximum amount of time in milliseconds to wait for a web view page to be detected. Default is 5000 ms (optional).
booleanBy default, we return all webviews. If you want to filter the webviews by the current Android app that is opened, you can set this to true. Default is false (optional).
NOTE: Be aware that you can also NOT find any Webview based on this "restriction".
booleanBy default, we only return the webviews that are attached and visible. If you want to get all webviews, you can set this to false (optional). Default is true.
booleanBy default, no Android Webview (Chrome) description description data. If you want to get all data, you can set this to true. Default is false (optional).
By enabling this option you will get extra data in the response, see the description.data.test.js for more information.
it('should return all contexts in the current session with the default Appium `contexts`-method.', async () => {
// For Android
await driver.getContexts()
// Returns ['NATIVE_APP', 'WEBVIEW_com.wdiodemoapp', ...]
// For iOS, the context will be 'WEBVIEW_{number}'
await driver.getContexts()
// Returns [ 'NATIVE_APP', 'WEBVIEW_84392.1', ... ]

it('should return all contexts in the current session with detailed info.', async () => {
// For Android
await driver.getContexts({returnDetailedContexts: true})
// Returns [
// { id: 'NATIVE_APP' },
// {
// id: 'WEBVIEW_com.wdiodemoapp',
// title: 'WebdriverIO · Next-gen browser and mobile automation test framework for Node.js | WebdriverIO',
// url: 'https://webdriver.io/',
// packageName: 'com.wdiodemoapp',
// webviewPageId: '58B0AA2DBBBBBE9008C35AE42385BB0D'
// },
// {
// id: 'WEBVIEW_chrome',
// title: 'Android | Get more done with Google on Android-phones and devices',
// url: 'https://www.android.com/',
// packageName: 'com.android.chrome',
// webviewPageId: '0'
// }
// ]
// For iOS, the context will be 'WEBVIEW_{number}'
await driver.getContexts({returnDetailedContexts: true})
// Returns: [
// { id: 'NATIVE_APP' },
// {
// id: 'WEBVIEW_86150.1',
// title: 'WebdriverIO · Next-gen browser and mobile automation test framework for Node.js | WebdriverIO',
// url: 'https://webdriver.io/',
// bundleId: 'org.reactjs.native.example.wdiodemoapp'
// },
// {
// id: 'WEBVIEW_86152.1',
// title: 'Apple',
// url: 'https://www.apple.com/',
// bundleId: 'com.apple.mobilesafari'
// }
// ]

it('should return Android description data for the webview', async () => {
// For Android
await driver.getContexts({returnDetailedContexts: true})
// Returns [
// { id: 'NATIVE_APP' },
// {
// androidWebviewData: {
// // Indicates whether the web page is currently attached to a web view.
// // `true` means the page is attached and likely active, `false` indicates it is not.
// attached: true,
// // Indicates whether the web page is empty or not. An empty page typically means that
// // there is no significant content loaded in it. `true` indicates the page is empty,
// // `false` indicates it has content.
// empty: false,
// // Indicates whether the page has never been attached to a web view. If `true`, the
// // page has never been attached, which could indicate a new or unused page. If `false`,
// // the page has been attached at some point.
// neverAttached: false,
// // Indicates whether the web page is visible on the screen. `true` means the page is
// // visible to the user, `false` means it is not.
// visible: true,
// // This data can be super useful to determine where on the screen the webview is located
// // and can come in handy when you want to interact with elements on the screen based on
// // coordinates based on the top-left corner of the screen
// screenX: 0,
// screenY: 151,
// height: 2589,
// width: 1344
// },
// id: 'WEBVIEW_com.wdiodemoapp',
// title: 'WebdriverIO · Next-gen browser and mobile automation test framework for Node.js | WebdriverIO',
// url: 'https://webdriver.io/',
// packageName: 'com.wdiodemoapp',
// webviewPageId: '58B0AA2DBBBBBE9008C35AE42385BB0D'
// }
// ]

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