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File Uploads with WebdriverIO

· 4 دقیقه خواندن

Testing an upload scenario in the browser is a rare but not uncommon case in the automation testing space. It is always important to evaluate the importance of such a test because in many situations you end up testing the browser more than your application. So always keep in mind how much additional functionality your frontend application puts on top of the default upload behavior of the browser. If for example most of the magic happens in the backend it makes much more sense to mimik an upload using a simple Node.js POST request using packages like request or axios.

React Selectors

· 4 دقیقه خواندن

ReactJS is one of the most widely use Front-End libraries in the web. Along side React, many developers use styling tools that will minify or re-write the class attribute values attached to the HTML elements via className props in JSX. These minifications and overwrites make it difficult to select the generated HTML using the WebDriver's query commands like findElement or findElements since it's not guaranteed that the class name will remain the same.

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